
Hugo de Grootlaan 1
1422 BR Uithoorn
0297 - 75 01 79
telephone consultation hours on Mon-Tue-Thu between 9:00 and 9:45 am

There are plenty of parking options in the area. 
The practice is wheelchair accessible.

If you want to be eligible for reimbursement, you will need a reference from your general practitioner or the youth care team of the municipality. 

Registration form

For general questions

  • Complaints

    It may happen that you have a complaint about the psychologist / remedial educationalist or about the research / treatment. If you are not satisfied, you can first discuss this with the person concerned or with one of the owners of the Kinderpraktijk. 

    If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, please contact the Dutch Association of Orthopedagogues (NVO, Utrecht) or the Dutch Institute of Psychologists (NIP, Utrecht). These associations have a procedure for complaints (available on their website). These associations have an independent complaints committee. The professional code for the remedial educationalist / psychologist is the base of this complaint procedure. 

    In addition, you can go with your complaint to the Dutch Patients Consumer Federation (Utrecht). 

  • Processing of personal data

    When you are not satisfied with the way we handle your privacy data, we advise you to contact the employees of the Kinderpraktijk Uithoorn. If your dissatisfaction is not taken away, it is possible to make a report with the Personal data authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) through the report form ‘processing personal data’. You can find this at the website of the Personal data authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

  • Reporting an incident

    Safety of the clients is a priority in the Kinderpraktijk. If you want to report an incident, you can make this known in writing by means of an email or letter. 

At this moment, there is a waiting list (with an estimated waiting time of more than 8 weeks).
KNAB Bank 
IBAN: NL24 KNAB 0257 4405 77
t.n.v. Kinderpraktijk Uithoorn

Praktijk: 94064004
Marianne Heijligers: 94006198
Freya Post: 94104386

De beroepscodes van de Registerpsycholoog NIP | Kind & Jeugd en Orthopedagoog NVO staan beschreven op de websites van het Nederlands Instituut voor Psychologen ( en de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Orthopedagogen (
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