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 Kinderpraktijk Uithoorn

Grief counselling 

This therapy is intended for children, aged 6 years and up, who have experienced loss of a person close to them and still suffer a lot in their everyday life. These children might have trouble sleeping, sometimes experience nightmares, and are often very sad about the deceased person. They feel that life without the deceased person is meaningless. For some children, their school results deteriorate or they no longer feel like playing with other children. 

Grief processing consists of different components of cognitive behavioral therapy. Worden’s four tasks or mourning form the central component. In children where the grief process is stagnating, one of these grief tasks is often not completed properly. Different forms of games, drawings, crafts and more methods can be used, symbolism plays an important part in this training. 

In some cases, a story is being written together with the child. We use the WRITE junior method to help the child tell their story. The goal of the therapy is that children and teenagers process their experience with loss and can enjoy life again. 

The number of meetings depends on the child and the situation. The treatments take place individually, each treatment takes 45 minutes. 

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